Public Talk May 17 • What Really Matters? The Art of Prioritizing

20,00 $


Friday May 17

7:30 pm to 9 pm
With Guest Teacher Gen Kelsang Norbu

Since we have a limited supply of time and energy, we need to focus on what really counts. We all know that it's not the quantity of things we have, but the quality of our experiences and relationships that make our life meaningful. But, all too often, life doesn't turn out the way we thought it would, or we get lost in a multitude of activities and distractions that don't fulfill us as much as we'd hoped.

With a few adjustments to our ways of seeing and acting, we can find more meaning and fulfillment in our everyday lives. According to the great Buddhist masters, what works to make life more satisfying? This public talk will reveal to us how to get to the heart of what we need to prioritize.

Gen Norbu was ordained in 2006 by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, and was requested by him to be the Resident Teacher of KMC North Carolina. Gen Norbu is known for his loving and gentle nature and holds a very clear and sharp understanding of Buddha’s teachings. Through his teachings and his personal example, Gen Norbu shows us how to integrate Buddha's teachings into our daily life.

7:30 pm to 9 pm

Centre de Méditation Kadampa Montréal

Presale $20
At the door $25

This event will be in English and will be offered with simultenous French translation. Please select the translation option in your registration if you need it. Please note that the deadline for reserving the simultaneous translation option is May 16 at 11:59 pm.

Also with Gen Kelsang Norbu: Acting rather than Reacting: Linving in Peace

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